Connecticut to offer drug discount card in October

The following content is from the News Times on September 15, 2023 and was not written by HVHD.

The state is launching a drug discount card program next month that will allow all Connecticut residents to save on certain types of prescription drugs.

Enrollment in the ArrayRx program will begin on Oct. 2. In order to make the program possible, Connecticut entered into a multi-state consortium that also operates in Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.

Here’s what you need to know about the program:

Is there a cost to join the program?

No. There are also no age or income restrictions to join.

How do you enroll?

Starting Oct. 2, visit the ArrayRx web site and enter your name, your email address, birth date, home address and zip code. After signing up, you will be emailed a digital discount card.

Where can the discount card be used?

State officials anticipate the card will be honored at about 98% of pharmacies in Connecticut. A search feature is available on the ArrayRx web site to help consumers determine if their pharmacy is part of the program.

What drugs are eligible for discounts?

All FDA-approved drugs are eligible for a discount; to check on the discounts for specific drugs, visit the ArrayRx web site.

How much will I save?

Discounts vary from drug to drug, but on some prescription medicines, consumers using the ArrayRx card can save as much as 80%.

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